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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the frequently asked questions about using eBizpage for ecommerce.


What is eBizpage seller ?

eBiz is a kind of online market place that individual and corporate can open there online market place .

Why you sell with eBizpage ?

eBizpage is newly growing online market place that we contact our seller database to worldwide customers.

How do i open new seller account with eBizpage ?

Simply Follow the red color arrow in the picture and ” Press ” Start selling.

It will redirect you to registration page.

Simply click ” Register as vendor ” and submit your correct details carefully.

Once you submit the details we will contact you within three working days

What vendor get after successful registration ?

  1. After successful registration vendor will get there own store on eBizpage.com

        Ex       www.ebizpage.com/store/[ Your store name ]

        2. sellers will get a fully detailed report with orders review, product review, product status, daily sales graph etc

How do I get paid ?

If you can receive paypal payments your country ,

When your seller account is settled and you have a positive balance, eBizpage sends the money to your paypal account directly.

If your country can’t recive paypal payments.

When your seller account is settled and you have a positive balance, eBizpage sends the money to your bank account directly.

For bank payment

You need to send

  1. Your  country
  2. Complete name as in the bank
  3. Bank name
  4. Bank branch
  5. Account number
  6. SWIFT code

Note – For the bank payments it takes around 5 working days to receive money to your account.

